来源:整理 编辑:黑码技术 2024-05-20 17:52:05
2,organic and biomolecular chemistry在哪个数据库
您高兴您解答 Organic Reactions - Wiley SYNTHESIS - Thieme Synthetic Communications - Informaworld ARKIVOC - Science Citation Index Expanded(美校报主要针机化) Applied Catalysis - ScienceDirect (Elsevier) Organic & Biomoleculsynthesis of putative chain terminators of mycobacterial arabinan biosynthesis 你好 能有其他的方法 上传吗 公司迅雷上不去 或者发我邮箱 谢谢
3,current organic chemistry 是哪个数据库
在查文献的时候,经常会发现找不到期刊属于哪个数据库.为了方便大家查阅文献,现发个有用的东东 Accounts of Chemical Research 1968- (ACS) Accreditation and Quality Assurance :Journal for Quality, Comparability and Reliability in Chemic..您高兴您解答 organic reactions - wiley synthesis - thieme synthetic communications - informaworld arkivoc - science citation index expanded(美校报主要针机化) applied catalysis - sciencedirect (elsevier) organic & biomolecul
4,minireviews in organic chemistry 哪个数据库
The Journal of Organic Chemistry是美国化学会的期刊,发表与有机化学有关的研究论文或notes,早期也发通讯。后来美国化学会成立了Organic Letters,以后大多数的通讯就都发到Org Lett了。好坏这个东西很难说的。大多数不能上JACS或Angew Chem的有机合成方面的文章,有一半到JOC,还有些可能去了Chem Eur J。因此JOC应该属于那种比上不足比下有余的刊物。比T系列、Synthesis或Eur J Org Chem 强多了。倒是Adv Synth Catal由于Noyori的原因现在影响因子在不断上升。如果文章水平高,则发到JACS或Angew Chem Int Ed。要是自己觉得底气不足,则可以试试JOC。国内能发JOC也算不错了。毕竟很多搞有机合成的人每天都看JOC。bioorganic & medicinal chemistry杂志,半月刊 需要有药效好的,化合物10个左右都可以发,审稿见刊都很快啊 注意选审稿人,引用文献也要注意多引用他的一些,国人在它上面发的文章很多,可以参考 近四年影响因子: 2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 20
5,Organic ReactionsSynthesis等属于哪些数据库
您好,很高兴为您解答。Organic Reactions - Wiley SYNTHESIS - Thieme Synthetic Communications - Informaworld ARKIVOC - Science Citation Index Expanded(是美国一个大学的校报,主要是针对有机化学的) Applied Catalysis - ScienceDirect (Elsevier) Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry - RSC PCT Int. Appl - 世界专利(专利号即为WO+后面数字) Tetrahedron - ScienceDirect (Elsevier) Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France - IngentaConnect如若满意,请点击右侧【采纳答案】,如若还有问题,请点击【追问】希望我的回答对您有所帮助,望采纳! ~ O(∩_∩)O~w?hler synthesized urea, the first organic compound to be made from inorganic materials, in 1828. since then the study of organic chemistry has progressed dramatically and thousands of useful organic compounds have been synthesized using various novel reactions, catalysts, reagents, and synthetic methodologies. furthermore, efforts have been made to realize environmentally friendly organic synthesis, i.e., green chemistry, and so the use of polymer supported reagents, fluorous solvents or ionic liquids have been studied. in this section you will find lists of our reagents for various purposes including: polymer supported reagents, oxidation, reduction, condensation, protection, and homogeneous metal complex catalysts, etc.
synthesis 属于 哪个 数据 synthesis属于哪个数据库